Saturday 21 January 2012


Another beautiful day, I hope that you are able to absorb it in some way. However if you, like myself are probably spending more time wielding a tape measure and a sledge hammer doing renovations don't despair!!
Firstly - apologies for poor, grainy, image BUT I had to share this. I was going through books with a friend looking for inspiration for her home and then WOW this room.
I love the relaxed uncomplicated nature of this ensuite/bedroom. I immediately took a photo of the photo (as you do)  I can just see myself retreating to a room like this.
Have a nice week end what ever you do.


  1. I too love the room. Thank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful space you have created my very first visit here I will follow on my way out so I know my path back here. Perhaps you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. I look forward to engaging more throughout the year and beyond. Take care. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

    1. Hi Special K, thank you for your lovely words - sorry about the long response time, have had an ongoing mail issue but seem to have it sorted now.
      Thanks for visiting, look forward to hearing from you again.
